Set your case apart with a tiered pork program

The ‘natural’ way to appeal to consumers

Top descriptors of quality for consumers1:
All-natural | 45% |
No antibiotics ever | 38% |
No added hormones ever | 38% |
Responsibly raised | 30% |
Top descriptors of quality for consumers1:
No antibiotics ever:
No added hormones ever:
Humanely raised:
Driving value for the price

“Inflation has caused a shift in purchasing behaviors at the meat case.”
87% | of consumers at least “somewhat agree” that pork is a good value.1 |
87% of consumers at least “somewhat agree” that pork is a good value.1
66% | of consumers say they tend to buy from brands that reflect their personal values.2 |
66% of consumers say they tend to buy from brands that reflect their personal values.4
Stay competitive and adapt to consumer needs with an Open Prairie Natural Pork program.
Want more juicy pork knowledge and insights?
Reach out to Patrick Fleming for more information.
1 Tyson Fresh Meats, Pork Consumer Monitor, Q1 2022
2 ipsos, Global Trends 2021, November 2021