The power of Never Ever meat

Natural meat — it’s a term customers have heard, but what does it actually mean to them? About 70% of meat shoppers believe that natural meat comes from “animals that are given no added hormones” and 64% say it comes from “animals that are never given antibiotics.” 1 This gives us an opportunity for education because what they’re really describing is Never Ever meat. And while Open Prairie® Natural* Pork products are all natural, they are also Never Ever.
we promise section
With consumers showing a rising interest in health and wellness, their interest for more natural, claims-based meat is also on the rise.2 Capitalize on this growing trend by choosing Open Prairie Natural Never Ever pork.

How we got here

An important part of our story is the dedicated independent farmers who raise hogs for this brand. We find people who are patient and committed to the long-term process — people who are just as passionate about our Never Ever pork program as we are.

But these standards don’t stop at the farm — they continue through the entire production process. Plus, all our products are USDA inspected to ensure quality and consistency.

Here is a deeper look at the Open Prairie Natural Pork story and how you can translate it to consumers.

No antibiotics

The hogs that our pork come from are never ever given antibiotics. If an animal gets sick and needs antibiotics, it is removed from the Open Prairie Natural Pork program and placed into a conventional program.

No added hormones or growth promotants

While hormones are naturally found in all animals, producers do not administer any to these animals. This means the livestock grow at their natural pace.

100% vegetarian diet; no animal byproducts, except for milk

Animals raised for the Open Prairie Natural Pork brand receive a healthy diet developed by nutritionists, and they never get any of their protein from animal byproducts except for milk.

Animal Welfare Icon

Animal welfare standards implemented

Rest easy knowing that all hogs are responsibly raised with their health in mind. We follow Tyson Foods’ FarmCheck® program and other animal welfare best practices.

Never Ever meat benefits everyone

Consumer benefits
What’s great about Never Ever pork is that it benefits everyone. For consumers, food has become more than just fuel. They are looking for meat products that are better-for-them and better-for-their family, and many are putting effort into choosing more natural meat choices while keeping animal welfare in mind.2 In fact, consumers are directly looking for claims-based packaging that clearly calls out these details.

Our Never Ever meat offers:

  • Products they view as better-for-them/better-for-their-family
  • Natural options
  • Claims-based packaging
  • Products from responsibly raised hogs

“All natural” remains the top descriptor of quality.3

Retailer benefits
What does this all mean for our natural meat retail partners? As we’ve learned, consumers are looking for more natural options. Take advantage by giving them exactly what they’re looking for.

Our Never Ever meat:

  • Meets consumer demands
  • Provides consistent quality in your meat case
  • Builds a foundation of trust with consumers
  • Boosts your bottom dollar

Animal benefits
Animal welfare standards play a factor in consumers’ meat choices. They not only care about them, but they trust us to do the right thing and uphold these standards. Not to mention, keeping hogs healthy is critical to the product outcome. When it comes to animals raised for Open Prairie Natural Pork, you can expect:

  • Responsibly raised hogs
  • Animal welfare standards implemented
  • Compassionate handling
  • Responsible harvesting program
our animal benefits

About ⅓ of consumers seek products that
address sustainability, animal welfare and
social responsibility.2

Leverage our brand to meet consumer demands

Answer the call for uncomplicated meat with Open Prairie Natural Pork. We offer a wide range of natural pork products that will stand out in your meat case. Best of all, consumers will have peace of mind while shopping at your counter. Our Never Ever program gives them exactly what they’re looking for — all natural, delicious pork.

Ready to give consumers the Never Ever pork they’re looking for? Contact a Tyson Fresh Meats representative and help maximize your sales today.
1Midan Marketing, Natural & Organic Meat Purchaser Survey, December 2020.
2Anne-Marie Roerink, Principal, 210 Analytics LLC, The Power of Meat 2021: An In-Depth Look at Meat Through the Shopper’s Eyes, Report sponsored by Sealed Air Food CareDivision/Cryovac® and Published by Food Marketing Institute Foundation for Meat & Poultry Research & Education
32020 Pork Consumer Monitor, Tyson Fresh Meats, April 2021

*Minimally processed. No artificial ingredients.

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