Online shoppers are much more likely to purchase shelf-stable center store, frozen and dairy items than products in the fresh categories, such as produce and meat. However, even produce outperforms fresh meats among online shoppers, with 57% of shoppers in one study reporting they were willing to purchase produce online, compared with 43% for raw beef and just 33% for raw pork.1
For retailers who want to boost sales of fresh meat, case ready may be your solution to win over online shoppers.

How Big is eCommerce in 2022?
According to a study conducted this year, 61% of shoppers have purchased groceries online, compared to 40% in 2020. About 46% of shoppers who have purchased groceries online say they do so regularly.2
It remains to be seen how rising inflation will affect eCommerce grocery sales, although some recent reports have mentioned slight declines in the number of active shopper accounts.3
Who Buys Meat Online?
As with many things in life, there are generational gaps among consumers who purchase meat. Gen Z (79%) and millennial (73%) shoppers say they make the same purchases of meat whether they are shopping online or in person. However, Gen X (48%) shoppers and baby boomers (38%) are much less likely to make the same purchases of meat online as in brick-and-mortar stores.2

What Online Shoppers Want When Buying Meat
Shoppers who prefer to purchase beef and pork in stores want to pick up and examine what they are buying to decide if it meets their preferences, especially for thickness, fat content, color and freshness.
Those experiences can’t be replicated online, at least not yet. So what will persuade those shoppers to add meat to their online carts? Proprietary research from Tyson Fresh Meats shows that the number one factor is “It tastes great.” Beyond taste, other reasons include “It’s high quality,” “It’s easy to prepare,” “It’s the right size for my family” and “It’s from a brand I trust.” Even “It’s in a packaging I like” is a motivator for online shoppers.4
Stocking Tyson Fresh Meats beef and pork is a way to help you overcome some of the obstacles consumers have to purchasing meat online.
Giving Consumers What They Want
Tyson Fresh Meats’ case ready products check off the list of things online shoppers say would motivate them to buy fresh meats.
- High quality. Tyson Fresh Meats is known for its quality beef and pork products, including Angus beef, premium pork and natural offerings.
- Easy to prepare. Our seasoned and marinated meats add convenience and reduce prep work for busy consumers.
- Right size. Products come portion cut in a range of package sizes.
- Trusted brands. Open Prairie® Natural* Meats, Chairman’s Reserve® Meats and Star Ranch Angus® brands from Tyson Fresh Meats are names that are known for their reliability, consistency and quality.
- Packaging. Our case ready packaging types, including overwrap low oxygen mother bag, modified atmosphere and vacuum packaging, can help extend freshness. Our new flow wrap packaging uses 50% less plastic and requires 50% less energy to produce than expanded polystyrene packaging, which may appeal to consumers who have environmental concerns.

Find Solutions for a Range of Needs
Tyson Fresh Meats’ case ready solutions provide opportunities for grocery retailers to offer a greater assortment of products without the extra labor associated with cutting and packaging meats. Package sizes are smaller and lighter for easier shelf stocking, and help extend freshness and color, which are concerns for some online shoppers.4
With our range of solutions and respected brands, Tyson Fresh Meats can help retailers overcome barriers and win over eCommerce shoppers for fresh beef and pork. Learn more about how our solutions, technology, resources and people can help you meet the ever-changing demands of shoppers.
1 Tyson Proprietary Research; AMC; eCommerce Accelerated Recharged, March 2022
2 The Power of Meat 2022
4 Tyson Proprietary Research; Vista Grande; Project Enigma, October 2020 Why did you purchase this product